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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台改写句子肯定句改成否定句1.有be动词的句子在be动词后面加notI am old, but you are young. 我老了,但你还年轻。→I’m not old, but you’re not young. 我还不老,但你不年轻了。There are some flowers. →There aren’t any flowers有情态动词的句子在其后加notYou must go with us. 你必须同我们一起去。 → You mustn’t go with us. 你不能同我们一起去。在现在完成时中的have、has + not,把already改成yetHe has been to Beijing already. He has not been to Beijing yet 4.一般实意动词的否定式,应根据不同人称在实意动词之前加上do/does,然后再加not进行否定(即加上don’t或doesn’t)一二人称复数人称加don’t;单三人称加doesn’t。I put a book on my head.我把书放到头上。→ I don’t put a book on my head. 我没把书放到头上。He works in a bank. 他在一家银行工作。 →He doesn’t work in a bank. 他不是在银行工作。总结:怎样把肯定句变成否定句:⑴ 在句子中的be动词后直接加not。be动词包括am is are was were been。⑵ 在句子中的情态动词后直接加not。句子中的情态动词包括can may must。⑶ 如果句子中没有be动词或情态动词,就要找句中的实义动词。在实义动词前加助动词的否定形式。主语是一二人称及复数人称时加don’t;主语是第三人称单数形式加doesn’t。加了doesn’t后句子中原本的动词三单形式要还原。注意:⑴ some,many 变 any ⑵ 动词三单还原问题。二、陈述句改一般疑问句1.把句子中的be(am is are was were)动词提前到句首。This is your penpal. 这是你的笔友。→Is this your penpal 这是你的笔友吗?2.把句子中的情态动词提前到句首。句子中的情态动词包括can,may,must,will,should。She can play basketball.→ Can she play basketball.3.在现在完成时中的have、has 提前,把already改成yetHe has been to Beijing already. Has he been to Beijing yet 如果句子中没有be动词或情态动词,就要在句首加助动词帮助其变成一般疑问句。主语是一二人称及复数人称时加Do;主语是第三人称单数形式加Does。加了Does后句子中原本的动词三单形式要还原Jim likes collecting stamps. 吉姆喜欢集邮。→Does Jim like collecting stamps 吉姆喜欢集邮吗?总结:把陈述句变成一般疑问句:⑴ 把句子中的be动词提前到句首。⑵ 把句子中的情态动词提前到句首。⑶ 如果句子中没有be动词或情态动词,就要在句首加助动词帮助其变成一般疑问句。主语是一二人称及复数人称时加Do;主语是第三人称单数形式加Does。加了Does后句子中原本的动词三单形式要还原。注意:⑴ 据点变问号。⑵ 句中的第一人称变成相应的第二人称。⑶ some,many 变 any⑷ 动词三单还原问题。对划线部分提问特殊疑问句= 疑问词+一般疑问句疑问词1.问“谁”用who; 2.问“谁的”,用whose;3.问“地点哪里”,用where; 4.问“原因”,用why;5.问“身体状况”,用how;6.问“方式”,用how;7.问“年龄”,用how old; 8.问“多少”,用how many; 9.问"价钱”用how much;10.问“哪一个”,用which ;11.问“什么”,用what;12.问“职业”,用what;13.问“颜色”,用what colour;14.问“星期”,用what day; 15.问什么学科,用what subject;16.问“什么时候”,用when;17.问几点What's the time 或 What time is it 2.对划线部分提问的步骤一改:一般疑问词;二找:找特殊疑问词代替划线部分;三去:去掉划线部分四加:如果划线部分是动词,去掉后要+do或doing1.That student likes her English teacher.Does that student like her English teacher Who does that student like 2.The teacher is about forty years old.Is the teacher about forty years old.How old is the teacher 3.Her daughter can play the violin.Can her daughter play the violin?What can her daughter do?一重庆市2021年中考英语试题A根据所给提示,完成句子。每空一词,含缩略词。49. I talked to him on the phone yesterday. (改为否定句)I ________ ________ to him on the phone yesterday.50. We are going to eat zongzi at home after the exam. (对划线部分提间)________ ________ you going to eat zongzi after the exam 51. They want to take a rest after a two-hour drive. (改为同义句)They ________ ________ to take a rest after a two-hour drive.52. 天冷时,请穿上暖和的衣服。(完成译句)Please ________ ________ warm clothes when it’s cold.53. 重庆如此美丽, 以至于每年都有成千上万的人来参观。(完成译句)Chongqing is ________ beautiful ________ thousands of tourists visit it every year.二重庆市2021年中考英语试题(B卷)根据所给提示, 完成句子。每空一词, 含缩略词。49. She has finished her schoolwork.(改为否定句)She ________ ________ her schoolwork.50. It’s about 3 kilometres from the school to the park.(对划线部分提问)________ ________ is it from the school to the park 51. What time did you arrive at the railway station last night (改为同义句)What time did you ________ ________ the railway station last night 52. 离开房间时,请记得关灯。(完成译句)Please remember to ________ ________ the lights when you leave the room.53. 地震后,医护人员工作太忙,没有得到充分的休息。(完成译句)After the earthquake, doctors and nurses were ________ busy ________ take enough rest.三2021年5月重庆市第八中学中考模拟根据所给提示,完成句子。每空一词,含缩略词。44. He put his books on the desk last night.(改为否定句)He ______ ______ his books on the desk last night.45. She will have her singing lessons next Monday. (对画线部分提问)______ ______ she have her singing lessons 46. Her mother has been a Party member for three years.(改为同义句)Her mother ________ the Party three years ________.47. 我已经很久没有收到他的来信。(完成译句)I haven’t ________ ________him for a long time.48. 你是否体验过豆瓣,一个在年轻人中很流行的app (完成译句)Have you ever experienced Douban, an app ________ ________ many young people 四2021年重庆市九龙坡区中考一模英语试题根据所给提示,完成句子。每空一词,含缩略词。69. Mary is reading an interesting book now. (改为否定句)Mary ________ ________ an interesting book now.70. We like to go camping in the summer vacation. (对划线部分提问)________ ________ you like to do in the summer vacation 71. My uncle is doctor. And my aunt is doctor, too. (改为同义句)________ my uncle ________ my aunt are doctors.72. 通过努力,我们一定会实现中国梦。 (完成译句)We can make our Chinese Dream ________ ________ by working hard.73. 昨晚我直到完成家庭作业才上床睡觉。 (完成译句)I ________ go to bed ________ I finished my homework last night.五2021年重庆市四川外国语大学附属外国语学校中考三模根据所给提示,完成句子。每空一词,含缩略词。49. Students can do sports in the afternoon. (改为否定句)Students ________ ________do sports in the afternoon.50. The boy on the black bike is my brother.(对划线部分提问)________ ________is your brother 51. We take pride in our country because it has made great progress in many fields.(改为同义句)We are________ ________our country because it has made great progress in many fields.52. 如果我们竭尽全力,我们很可能会梦想成真。(完成译句)If we try our best, we will probably make our dreams ________ ________.53. 你工作越努力,你得到的就越多。(完成译句)The ________ you work, the ________ you will get.六2020上海中考Complete the following sentences as required(根据所给要求完成句子,每空格限填一词)62.The middle school boy can tell traditional Chinese stories in English. (改为一般疑问句)_____the middle school boy_____traditional Chinese stories in English?63.Lee has helped the local people sell their products since he returned to his hometown.(对划线部分提问)__________has Lee helped the local people sell their products 64.The volunteer worked hard to get more kids back to school. ( 改为感叹句)__________the volunteer worked to get more kids back to school!65.The 13-year-old one-armed basketball player attracted a lot of fans. (改为被动语态)A lot of fans__________by the 13-year-old one-armed basketball player.66.Julia decided to be a doctor after watching the news programme. (保持句意基本不变)Julia__________her mind to be a doctor after watching the news programme.67."Will the exhibition be held in Shanghai?" Olivia asked her secretary. (改为间接引语)Olivia asked her secretary_____ the exhibition_____be held in Shanghai.68.belongs to,hardworking,in the end,students,success (连词成句)七2019上海中考Complete the following sentences as required (根据所给要求完成句子。62-67小题每空格限填一词)37. Lucy practises the violin in the club on Friday afternoons.(改为否定句)Lucy______ ______the violin in the club on Friday afternoons.38. My sister will take part in the Chinese poem contest in a few days.(对划线部分提问)______ ______will your sister take part in the Chinese poem contest 39. The government is taking action to improve air quality.(保持句意不变)The government is taking action to______ air quality________40. I have no idea how I can operate the new washing machine.(改为简单句)I have no idea______ ______operate the new washing machine.41. The scientists released the picture of a black hole to the world on April10.(改为被动语态)The picture of a black hole______ ______to the world by the scientists on April 10.42. “Are you free to come to my place this Saturday ”Aaron asked me.(改为间接引语)Aaron asked me______ ______free to go to his place that Saturday43. their future,learn,teenagers,by themselves,to plan,should(连词成句)___________________________________________________________________________________八2018上海中考Complete the following sentences as required(据所给求完成句子。62-67小题每空格限填一词)(共14分)62. John went to church with his brother last Sunday moring.(改为否定句)John_____ ______ to church with his brother last Sunday morning.63. Grace does online shopping four times a month.(对划线部分提问)_____ ______ does Grace do online shopping 64. We will hold a class meeting to talk about team work next Friday(改为被动语态)A class meeting will _____ ______ to talk about team work next Friday.65. “How are you getting along with your new roommate " Franklin asked me.(改为宾语从句)Franklin asked me_____ ______was getting along with my new roommate.66. Keep working hard, and you will achieve success.(保持句意不变)_____ ______ keep working hard, you will achieve success.67. The secretary apologized to the manager for making the same mistake again.(保持句意不变)The secretary_____ ______to the manager for making the same mistake again.68. many ways, for us,are, to keep in touch, there(连词成句).___________________________________________________________________九2017上海中考Complete the following sentences as required(根据所给要求完成句子。62-67小题每空格限填一词)(共14分)62.The invention of smart phones changed the world in many ways.(改为一般疑问句)___________ the invention of smart phones _________ the world in many ways 63.That amusement park has lots of tourists during the holiday.(就划线部分提问)_________ ________ that amusement park have lots of tourist 64.The local government organizes the film festival every autumn.(改为被动语态)The film festival ________ _________ by the local government every autumn.65.Shared-bikes are very popular in some big cities.(改为感叹句)__________ __________ shared-bikes are in some big cities!66.“Have you ever been in a hot air balloon ” Melissa asked her mom.(改为宾语从句)Melissa asked her mom _________ she _________ ever been in a hot air ballon.67.PM 2.5 does harm to people’s health and the environment.(保持句意基本不变)PM 2.5 is ________ ________ people’s health and the environment.68.enables, various information, the Internet, to collect, teenagers(连词成句)_____________________________________________________________________________十2020年山东省济南市槐荫区中考一模按括号中的要求完成句子,每个空格填一个单词.71. John is a hard-working boy. (改为否定句)John ____________ ____________ a hard-working boy.72. We arrived late for class because the bus broke down on the halfway. (就句子画线部分提问)____________ ____________ you arrive late for class 73. “What do you teach at the university ” I asked her. (改写句子,句意不变)I asked ____________ she ____________ at the university.74. At the end of the party, they sang the song Never Say Goodbye.(改写句子,句意不变)The party __________ __________ with their singing of the song Never Say Goodbye.75. They will build another bridge over the Yellow River. (改写句子,句意不变)Another bridge will ____________ ____________ over the Yellow River.十一2020年山东省济南市历下区中考三模改写句子 按括号中的要求完成句子,每个空格填一个单词。71.The boy kept the worries to himself.(改为否定句)The boy __________ ___________ the worries to himself.72.Mrs. Smith is supposed to pay $70 for each driving lesson.(就句子画线部分提问)___________ ___________ is Mrs. Smith supposed to pay for each driving lesson 73."How did the man get to the library " The teacher asked me.(改写句子,句意不变)The teacher asked me __________ the man ____________to the library.74.Teenagers who study in foreign countries may get a surprise when they have the first class.(改写句子,句意不变)Teenagers studying __________may find something _________ when they have the first class.75.The people in their own country are supposed to make the choice of the development pattern of the country. (改写句子,句意不变)The development pattern of the country should_________ ____________by the people in their own country.十二2020年山东省济南市历下区中考一模改写句子 按括号中的要求完成句子,每个空格填一个单词.81. The students are planting trees on the hill.(改为否定句)The students planting trees on the hill.82 He bought three notebooks in the supermarket.(就画线部分提问)notebooks did he buy in the supermarket 83. "Where do you teach badminton " I asked Paul.(改写句子,句意不变)I asked Paul___he___ badminton.84. Please call us any time if there is anything we can do for you.(改写句子,句意不变)Please to call us if there is anything we can do for you.85. People in Jinan can use mobile phones to pay for their bus ride.(改写句子,句意不变)The bus ride can by people in Jinan with their mobile phones十三2020年山东省济南市市中区中考二模改写句子 按括号中的要求完成句子,每个空格填一个单词。71.She is taking an exam on DingTalk. (改为一般疑问句)___________ ___________ taking an exam on DingTalk 72.I can hold my breath for one minute when I am swimming. (就句子画线部分提问)___________ ___________ can you hold your breath when you are swimming 73.“Why does Jim read the same book again and again ” Ann wondered. (改写句子,句意不变)Ann wondered ___________ Jim ___________ the same book again and again.74.We can use either of these two computers to send e-mails. (改写句子,句意不变)We can use ___________ this computer ___________ that one to send e-mails.75.The singer invited her fans to sing along with every song she sang. (改写句子,句意不变)The singer’s fans ___________ ___________ to sing along with every song she sang.十四2020年山东省济南市市中区中考一模改写句子 按括号中的要求完成改写后的句子,每个空格填一个单词。76. Tom can play chess well. (改写为否定句)Tom ___________ play chess well.77. Linda took beautiful photos in the park. (改为一般疑问句)____________ Linda ___________ beautiful photos in the park 78. My telephone number is 82016351.(就划线部分提问)___________ ___________ telephone number 79. The teacher asked the boy, “Do you often do your homework with your classmates ”(改同义句)The teacher asked the boy ________ he often _________ his homework with his classmates80. To everybody’s surprise, Lin Shuhao plays basketball excellently in NBA games. (改写同义句)Lin Shuhao’s good performance in NBA games ____________ ____________ _____________.21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)HYPERLINK "http://21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com)" 21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com)中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台改写句子肯定句改成否定句1.有be动词的句子在be动词后面加notI am old, but you are young. 我老了,但你还年轻。→I’m not old, but you’re not young. 我还不老,但你不年轻了。There are some flowers. →There aren’t any flowers有情态动词的句子在其后加notYou must go with us. 你必须同我们一起去。 → You mustn’t go with us. 你不能同我们一起去。在现在完成时中的have、has + not,把already改成yetHe has been to Beijing already. He has not been to Beijing yet 4.一般实意动词的否定式,应根据不同人称在实意动词之前加上do/does,然后再加not进行否定(即加上don’t或doesn’t)一二人称复数人称加don’t;单三人称加doesn’t。I put a book on my head.我把书放到头上。→ I don’t put a book on my head. 我没把书放到头上。He works in a bank. 他在一家银行工作。 →He doesn’t work in a bank. 他不是在银行工作。总结:怎样把肯定句变成否定句:⑴ 在句子中的be动词后直接加not。be动词包括am is are was were been。⑵ 在句子中的情态动词后直接加not。句子中的情态动词包括can may must。⑶ 如果句子中没有be动词或情态动词,就要找句中的实义动词。在实义动词前加助动词的否定形式。主语是一二人称及复数人称时加don’t;主语是第三人称单数形式加doesn’t。加了doesn’t后句子中原本的动词三单形式要还原。注意:⑴ some,many 变 any ⑵ 动词三单还原问题。二、陈述句改一般疑问句1.把句子中的be(am is are was were)动词提前到句首。This is your penpal. 这是你的笔友。→Is this your penpal 这是你的笔友吗?2.把句子中的情态动词提前到句首。句子中的情态动词包括can,may,must,will,should。She can play basketball.→ Can she play basketball.3.在现在完成时中的have、has 提前,把already改成yetHe has been to Beijing already. Has he been to Beijing yet 如果句子中没有be动词或情态动词,就要在句首加助动词帮助其变成一般疑问句。主语是一二人称及复数人称时加Do;主语是第三人称单数形式加Does。加了Does后句子中原本的动词三单形式要还原Jim likes collecting stamps. 吉姆喜欢集邮。→Does Jim like collecting stamps 吉姆喜欢集邮吗?总结:把陈述句变成一般疑问句:⑴ 把句子中的be动词提前到句首。⑵ 把句子中的情态动词提前到句首。⑶ 如果句子中没有be动词或情态动词,就要在句首加助动词帮助其变成一般疑问句。主语是一二人称及复数人称时加Do;主语是第三人称单数形式加Does。加了Does后句子中原本的动词三单形式要还原。注意:⑴ 据点变问号。⑵ 句中的第一人称变成相应的第二人称。⑶ some,many 变 any⑷ 动词三单还原问题。对划线部分提问特殊疑问句= 疑问词+一般疑问句疑问词1.问“谁”用who; 2.问“谁的”,用whose;3.问“地点哪里”,用where; 4.问“原因”,用why;5.问“身体状况”,用how;6.问“方式”,用how;7.问“年龄”,用how old; 8.问“多少”,用how many; 9.问"价钱”用how much;10.问“哪一个”,用which ;11.问“什么”,用what;12.问“职业”,用what;13.问“颜色”,用what colour;14.问“星期”,用what day; 15.问什么学科,用what subject;16.问“什么时候”,用when;17.问几点What's the time 或 What time is it 2.对划线部分提问的步骤一改:一般疑问词;二找:找特殊疑问词代替划线部分;三去:去掉划线部分四加:如果划线部分是动词,去掉后要+do或doing1.That student likes her English teacher.Does that student like her English teacher Who does that student like 2.The teacher is about forty years old.Is the teacher about forty years old.How old is the teacher 3.Her daughter can play the violin.Can her daughter play the violin?What can her daughter do?一重庆市2021年中考英语试题A根据所给提示,完成句子。每空一词,含缩略词。49. I talked to him on the phone yesterday. (改为否定句)I ________ ________ to him on the phone yesterday.【答案】 (1). didn’t (2). talk【解析】句意:我昨天和他通过电话。原句中“talked”是动词过去式,改为否定句借助于助动词didn’t,后接动词原形,故填didn’t;talk。50. We are going to eat zongzi at home after the exam. (对划线部分提间)________ ________ you going to eat zongzi after the exam 【答案】 (1). Where (2). are【解析】句意:考试后我们要回家吃粽子。划线部分表示地点,用疑问词where提问,原句有be动词are,疑问句提到主语前,故填Where;are。51. They want to take a rest after a two-hour drive. (改为同义句)They ________ ________ to take a rest after a two-hour drive.【答案】 (1). would (2). like【解析】句意:他们想在两个小时的车程后休息一下。want to do sth可替换为would like to do sth,意为“想要做某事”,故填would;like。52. 天冷时,请穿上暖和的衣服。(完成译句)Please ________ ________ warm clothes when it’s cold.【答案】 (1). put (2). on【解析】穿上put on,用于祈使句中,使用动词原形,故填put;on。53. 重庆如此美丽, 以至于每年都有成千上万的人来参观。(完成译句)Chongqing is ________ beautiful ________ thousands of tourists visit it every year.【答案】 (1). so (2). that【解析】如此……以至于……so/such…that…,beautiful是形容词,用so修饰,故填so;that。二重庆市2021年中考英语试题(B卷)根据所给提示, 完成句子。每空一词, 含缩略词。49. She has finished her schoolwork.(改为否定句)She ________ ________ her schoolwork.【答案】 (1). hasn’t (2). finished【解析】句意:她已经完成了她的作业。原句用的是现在完成时,has是助动词,变成否定,直接在has后加not,可以缩写成hasn’t,后接过去分词;故填hasn’t;finished。50. It’s about 3 kilometres from the school to the park.(对划线部分提问)________ ________ is it from the school to the park 【答案】 (1). How (2). far【解析】句意:从学校到公园大约有3公里。划线部分表示距离,用how far提问,故填How;far。51. What time did you arrive at the railway station last night (改为同义句)What time did you ________ ________ the railway station last night 【答案】 (1). get (2). to【解析】句意:昨晚你是几点到达火车站的?arrive at可用get to替换,用于助动词did后,使用动词原形。故填get;to。52. 离开房间时,请记得关灯。(完成译句)Please remember to ________ ________ the lights when you leave the room.【答案】 (1). turn (2). off【解析】turn off“关掉”,是固定短语,空格前有to,动词应用原形,故填turn;off。53. 地震后,医护人员工作太忙,没有得到充分的休息。(完成译句)After the earthquake, doctors and nurses were ________ busy ________ take enough rest.【答案】 (1). too (2). to【解析】空处表示“太……而不能……”,用“too…to…”结构表示,故填too;to。三2021年5月重庆市第八中学中考模拟根据所给提示,完成句子。每空一词,含缩略词。44. He put his books on the desk last night.(改为否定句)He ______ ______ his books on the desk last night.【答案】 ①. didn’t ②. put【解析】句意:昨晚他把书放在书桌上。昨晚他没有把书放在书桌上。要求把原句改为否定句。put为实意动词,由last night可知句子时态为一般过去时,改为否定句需要加否定助动词didn’t,同时过去式put要变为动词原形put;故答案为(1). didn’t (2). put。45. She will have her singing lessons next Monday. (对画线部分提问)______ ______ she have her singing lessons 【答案】 ①. When ②. will【解析】句意:她下周一要上声乐课。她什么时候上音乐课?考查对画线部分提问。根据画线部分next Monday下周一,表示的是时间,可知提问应用特殊疑问词when什么时候,后接一般疑问句;本句为一般将来时态,句中含有助动词will,一般疑问句直接把will提前即可;故答案为(1). When (2). will。46. Her mother has been a Party member for three years.(改为同义句)Her mother ________ the Party three years ________.【答案】 ①. joined ②. ago【解析】句意:她母亲当党员已经三年了。根据空格数量及位置,可知,改写后的句子用一段时间+ago的用法,且句子要用一般过去时,be a Party member=join the Party,故填joined;ago。47. 我已经很久没有收到他的来信。(完成译句)I haven’t ________ ________him for a long time.【答案】 ①. heard ②. from【解析】短语hear from sb.“收到某人的来信”;根据语境可知是现在完成时的否定形式,其结构是haven't+动词过去分词,hear的过去分词是heard,故填heard from。48. 你是否体验过豆瓣,一个在年轻人中很流行的app (完成译句)Have you ever experienced Douban, an app ________ ________ many young people 【答案】 ①. popular ②. among【解析】固定搭配:popular among“在……中很受欢迎”,故填popular;among。四2021年重庆市九龙坡区中考一模英语试题根据所给提示,完成句子。每空一词,含缩略词。69. Mary is reading an interesting book now. (改为否定句)Mary ________ ________ an interesting book now.【答案】 ①. isn’t ②. reading【解析】句意:现在玛丽正在阅读一本有趣的书。“is reading”是现在进行时,变成否定,用be动词的否定 “isn’t”和现在分词“reading”。故填isn’t; reading。70. We like to go camping in the summer vacation. (对划线部分提问)________ ________ you like to do in the summer vacation 【答案】 ①. What ②. do【解析】句意:我们喜欢在暑假去露营。对划线部分提问即改写特殊疑问句(特殊疑问句=疑问词+一般疑问句),根据划线部分“go camping”可知疑问词应该用what。这里谓语动词是实义动词like,时态是一般现在时,主语为we,变一般疑问句应该要借助do,故填What;do。71. My uncle is doctor. And my aunt is doctor, too. (改为同义句)________ my uncle ________ my aunt are doctors.【答案】 ①. Both ②. and【解析】句意:我叔叔是医生。我的阿姨也是医生。根据原句可知,这里需要表达的是:叔叔和阿姨都是医生,可以用both…and…“两个都”,符合语境,故填Both,and。72. 通过努力,我们一定会实现中国梦。 (完成译句)We can make our Chinese Dream ________ ________ by working hard.【答案】 ①. come ②. true【解析】根据中英文对照,设空处需填入“实现”的英文表达come true;make是使役动词,make sb. do sth.让某人做某事,是固定结构。make e true使某事成为现实,故填come; true。73. 昨晚我直到完成家庭作业才上床睡觉。 (完成译句)I ________ go to bed ________ I finished my homework last night.【答案】 ①. didn’t ②. until【解析】分析句子结构,本句是时间状语从句,需填入“直到……才”的英文表达not…until;last night昨晚,是一般过去时的标志,前空需用did的否定式didn’t,故填didn’t; until。五2021年重庆市四川外国语大学附属外国语学校中考三模根据所给提示,完成句子。每空一词,含缩略词。49. Students can do sports in the afternoon. (改为否定句)Students ________ ________do sports in the afternoon.【答案】 ①. can ②. not【解析】句意:学生们可以在下午做运动。原句是含有情态动词can的肯定句,变否定句只需在can后直接加not即可。故填can;not。50. The boy on the black bike is my brother.(对划线部分提问)________ ________is your brother 【答案】 ①. Which ②. boy【解析】句意:骑黑色自行车的男孩是我哥哥。根据划线部分“on the black bike”可知,此处是介词短语作定语,修饰主语,应用which来提问,Which boy“哪个男孩”,故填Which;boy。51. We take pride in our country because it has made great progress in many fields.(改为同义句)We are________ ________our country because it has made great progress in many fields.【答案】 ①. proud ②. of【解析】句意:我们为我们的国家感到骄傲,因为它在许多领域取得了巨大的进步。根据题干要求,take pride in的同义短语是be proud of。故填proud;of。52. 如果我们竭尽全力,我们很可能会梦想成真。(完成译句)If we try our best, we will probably make our dreams ________ ________.【答案】 ①. come ②. true【解析】根据句意和所给英文可知,需要翻译“成真”come true;根据短语“make sb./sth. do”可知,应该使用动词原形。故填:come;true。53. 你工作越努力,你得到的就越多。(完成译句)The ________ you work, the ________ you will get.【答案】 ①. harder ②. more【解析】the+比较级……;the+比较级……“越……就越……”;此处是“越努力,得到越多”,hard“努力”,是副词,此处用比较级harder;much“许多”,是副词,比较级是more,故填harder;more。一六2020上海中考Complete the following sentences as required(根据所给要求完成句子,每空格限填一词)62.The middle school boy can tell traditional Chinese stories in English. (改为一般疑问句)_____the middle school boy_____traditional Chinese stories in English?63.Lee has helped the local people sell their products since he returned to his hometown.(对划线部分提问)__________has Lee helped the local people sell their products 64.The volunteer worked hard to get more kids back to school. ( 改为感叹句)__________the volunteer worked to get more kids back to school!65.The 13-year-old one-armed basketball player attracted a lot of fans. (改为被动语态)A lot of fans__________by the 13-year-old one-armed basketball player.66.Julia decided to be a doctor after watching the news programme. (保持句意基本不变)Julia__________her mind to be a doctor after watching the news programme.67."Will the exhibition be held in Shanghai?" Olivia asked her secretary. (改为间接引语)Olivia asked her secretary_____ the exhibition_____be held in Shanghai.68.belongs to,hardworking,in the end,students,success (连词成句)62.【答案】 (1). Can (2). tell【解析】句意:——这个中学生能用英语讲中国传统故事。——这个中学生能用英语讲中国传统故事吗?考查一般疑问句。含有情态动词can的句子变一般疑问句时,只需把can提至句首,谓语动词用原形tell(讲述)。故答案为:Can,tell。63.【答案】How long【解析】句意:自从李回到家乡后,他一直帮助当地人销售他们的产品。画线部分since he returned to his hometown表示一段时间,疑问词用how long;空格在句首,首字母大写;故填How long。64.【答案】How hard【解析】句意:这个志愿者努力工作让更多的孩子重返学校。感叹句可以用How+形容词/副词+主语+谓语!这里主语the volunteer“志愿者”,谓语worked“工作”,副词用hard“努力地”,用How引导。故填How hard。65.【答案】were attracted【解析】句意:这位13岁的独臂篮球运动员吸引了许多球迷。原句是一般过去时,改为一般过去时态的被动语态,结构是was/were+过去分词;主语fans复数,助动词用were;故填were attracted。66.【答案】made up【解析】句意:朱莉娅看完新闻节目后决定当医生。decide to do=make up one's mind to do "决定……",为固定搭配;decided为过去式,由此可知,本题是一般过去时态,谓语动词应用made。故填made up。67.【答案】 (1). if (2). would【解析】句意:“展览会将在上海举行吗?”;Olivia问她的秘书展览是否会在上海举行。本题考查直接引语改为间接引语,直接引语是一般将来时态、一般疑问句,用if"是否"引导宾语从句,Olivia asked her secretary是一般过去时,所以间接引语用过去将来时态would+动词原形;故填if;would.68.【答案】Success belongs to hardworking students in the end./In the end,success belongs to hardworking students.【解析】根据所给标点可知应用陈述句的形式,分析所给单词,success做主语;belongs to作谓语,hardworking students作宾语,in the end作时间状语,位于句末或为了强调也可以位于句首。故答案为:Success belongs to hardworking students in the end./In the end,success belongs to hardworking students.“成功最终属于那些勤奋的学生”。七2019上海中考Complete the following sentences as required (根据所给要求完成句子。62-67小题每空格限填一词)37. Lucy practises the violin in the club on Friday afternoons.(改为否定句)Lucy______ ______the violin in the club on Friday afternoons.38. My sister will take part in the Chinese poem contest in a few days.(对划线部分提问)______ ______will your sister take part in the Chinese poem contest 39. The government is taking action to improve air quality.(保持句意不变)The government is taking action to______ air quality________40. I have no idea how I can operate the new washing machine.(改为简单句)I have no idea______ ______operate the new washing machine.41. The scientists released the picture of a black hole to the world on April10.(改为被动语态)The picture of a black hole______ ______to the world by the scientists on April 10.42. “Are you free to come to my place this Saturday ”Aaron asked me.(改为间接引语)Aaron asked me______ ______free to go to his place that Saturday43. their future,learn,teenagers,by themselves,to plan,should(连词成句)___________________________________________________________________________________37.【答案】(1). doesn't (2). practise 根据题意可知是变成否定句,这里是一般现在时态,主语是Lucy,变成否定句用借助助动词does+not+动词原形。根据题意,故填doesn't practise。38. 【答案】(1). How (2). soon划线部分是in a few days可知这里用how soon来提问,how soon提问in+一段时间。根据题意,故填How soon。39.【答案】(1). make (2). betterThe government is taking action to improve air quality.意思是“政府正在采取措施改善空气质量。”make+宾语+形容词作宾语补足语。make air quality better表示是我们的质量更好。Take action to do sth.表示采取行动去做某事。根据题意,故填make; better。40.【答案】(1). how (2). toI have no idea how I can operate the new washing machine.意思是“我不知道如何操作这台新洗衣机。”这里是how引导的宾语从句,可以转换成疑问词+to do的形式。根据题意,故填how to 。41.【答案】 (1). was (2). released The scientists released the picture of a black hole to the world on April10.意思是“科学家们于10年4月10日向世界公布了一张黑洞的照片。”这里是改为一般过去时态的被动语态,其结构是was/were done的形式。主语是The picture of a black hole,be动词用单数was。根据题意,故填was released。42.【答案】(1). if/whether (2). was 这里是改为间接引语,从句是一般疑问句,要用疑问词if/whether来引导,主句的时态是一般过去时态,be动词用单数was。根据题意,故填if/whether was。43. 【答案】Teenagers should learn to plan their future by themselves.Should+动词原形;learn to do sth.表示学者去做某事;plan their future表示计划他们的未来;by themselves靠某人自己。根据题意,故填Teenagers should learn to plan their future by themselves.八2018上海中考Complete the following sentences as required(据所给求完成句子。62-67小题每空格限填一词)(共14分)62. John went to church with his brother last Sunday moring.(改为否定句)John_____ ______ to church with his brother last Sunday morning.63. Grace does online shopping four times a month.(对划线部分提问)_____ ______ does Grace do online shopping 64. We will hold a class meeting to talk about team work next Friday(改为被动语态)A class meeting will _____ ______ to talk about team work next Friday.65. “How are you getting along with your new roommate " Franklin asked me.(改为宾语从句)Franklin asked me_____ ______was getting along with my new roommate.66. Keep working hard, and you will achieve success.(保持句意不变)_____ ______ keep working hard, you will achieve success.67. The secretary apologized to the manager for making the same mistake again.(保持句意不变)The secretary_____ ______to the manager for making the same mistake again.68. many ways, for us,are, to keep in touch, there(连词成句).___________________________________________________________________62.【答案】didn’t go一般过去式句子变否定句,借助助动词didn’t,同时需将动词过去式变回原形。63. 【答案】How oftenhow often 对时间频率进行提问。Four times a month表示频率。64. 【答案】be held被动语态结构:be+动词的过去分词。因will后加动词原形,故be动词不变,hold过去分词为held。65. 【答案】how I宾语从句结构:谓语动词+引导词+陈述句语序。How引导词不变,因提问me故将第二人称变成第一人称,与主句人称保持一致。66. 【答案】If you祈使句+and/or,表示肯定或否定的条件状语从句,句意:如果你努力学习,即将获得成功。67. 【答案】say sorryapologized to=say sorry to,向某人道歉。68. 【答案】There are many ways for us to keep in touch.there be结构的陈述句, ways for sb. to do sth. 某人做某事的方法。九2017上海中考Complete the following sentences as required(根据所给要求完成句子。62-67小题每空格限填一词)(共14分)62.The invention of smart phones changed the world in many ways.(改为一般疑问句)___________ the invention of smart phones _________ the world in many ways 63.That amusement park has lots of tourists during the holiday.(就划线部分提问)_________ ________ that amusement park have lots of tourist 64.The local government organizes the film festival every autumn.(改为被动语态)The film festival ________ _________ by the local government every autumn.65.Shared-bikes are very popular in some big cities.(改为感叹句)__________ __________ shared-bikes are in some big cities!66.“Have you ever been in a hot air balloon ” Melissa asked her mom.(改为宾语从句)Melissa asked her mom _________ she _________ ever been in a hot air ballon.67.PM 2.5 does harm to people’s health and the environment.(保持句意基本不变)PM 2.5 is ________ ________ people’s health and the environment.68.enables, various information, the Internet, to collect, teenagers(连词成句)_____________________________________________________________________________62.【答案】did, change,考查陈述句变一般疑问句。原句的谓语动词是 changed,是实义动词 change(改变)的过去式。把它转换成一般疑问句,需要借助助动词did完成。Did在句首,首字母需大写,原句中的动词 changed同时恢复原形。所以填Did, change63.【答案】When does,考查对划线部分提问。句中对 during the holiday.(放假期间)划线,问的是时间,需用when提问。原句动词是has,是三单形式,提问时需借助助动词does。故填 When does64. 【答案】is organized,考查主动语态变被动语态。被动语态的结构为:主语+be+过去分词+其 The他。原句主语 local government(地方政府)为单数主语,be用is。故填 is organized65.【答案】How popular,考查感叹句。感叹句有两种形式,分别以How和What开头,但结构不同:What( a/an)+形容词+名词+主语(代词)+谓语+其他;How +形容词或副词+主语+谓语+其他。变化后,名词shared-bikes仍做主语,所以用how+形容词结构。故填How popular。66.【答案】if/ whether, had,考查间接引语和宾语从句。原句Melissa是问妈妈“是不是坐过热气球”?转换后成为间接引语,是宾语从句,人称和时态都要作相应变化。根据“是不是”确定由if或whether作为引导词;you变为she;原问句的现在完成时变为过去完成时,have变作had。故填if/ whether, had。67.【答案】harmful to,考查同义转换。句意:PM 2.5对人们的健康和环境有害。do harm to one’s health,harm是动词,其后+ful变为形容词。它的同义短语为be harmful to one’s health。PM 2.5是单数主语,be用is。故填harmful to。68.【答案】The Internet enables teenagers to collect various information.考查连词成句。词义:enables使能够;various information各种信息;the Internet互联网;to collect收集;teenagers青少年。连成一句话就是:互联网使青少年能够收集到各种信息。故填The Internet enables teenagers to collect various information.。十2020年山东省济南市槐荫区中考一模按括号中的要求完成句子,每个空格填一个单词.71. John is a hard-working boy. (改为否定句)John ____________ ____________ a hard-working boy.【答案】 (1). is (2). not【解析】句意:John不是一个勤奋的男孩。否定句结构:主语+be动词/助动词 not+其他。原句中有be动词is,故直接在is后加not。故填is not。72. We arrived late for class because the bus broke down on the halfway. (就句子画线部分提问)____________ ____________ you arrive late for class 【答案】 (1). Why (2). did【解析】句意:因为公共汽车半路上抛锚了,所以我们上课迟到了。划线部分是原因状语,疑问句用why进行提问,句首首字母需要大写。原句是一般过去时,疑问句的助动词用did。故填Why;did。73. “What do you teach at the university ” I asked her. (改写句子,句意不变)I asked ____________ she ____________ at the university.【答案】 (1). what (2). taught【解析】句意:我问她在大学教什么。分析题干可知是直接引语转化为间接引语,用宾语从句,从句中的连接词用what指什么;主句是一般过去时,从句也要用一般过去时,故动词teach要用过去式。故填what; taught。74. At the end of the party, they sang the song Never Say Goodbye.(改写句子,句意不变)The party __________ __________ with their singing of the song Never Say Goodbye.【答案】 (1). ended (2). up【解析】句意:晚会结束时,他们唱了《不说再见》这首歌。分析句意可知,原句等同于“晚会以他们演唱《不说再见》这首歌而结束”,end up with…以……作为结束,根据原句中sang可知,此处为一般过去时,应用动词的过去式。故填ended,up。75. They will build another bridge over the Yellow River. (改写句子,句意不变)Another bridge will ____________ ____________ over the Yellow River.【答案】 (1). be (2). built【解析】句意:他们将在黄河上再建一座桥。若保持句意不变,可将原句的一般将来时的主动语态转变为一般将来时的被动语态will be done,即桥被建造。故填be built。十一2020年山东省济南市历下区中考三模改写句子 按括号中的要求完成句子,每个空格填一个单词。71.The boy kept the worries to himself.(改为否定句)The boy __________ ___________ the worries to himself.【答案】 (1). didn’t (2). keep【解析】句意:那男孩把烦恼藏在心里。根据句子结构分析及题目要求可知,原句用的是一般过去时,所以变成否定句时要加助动词did,与not可以缩写成didn’t,加了助动词原来的动词要用原形,故答案为didn’t keep。72.Mrs. Smith is supposed to pay $70 for each driving lesson.(就句子画线部分提问)___________ ___________ is Mrs. Smith supposed to pay for each driving lesson 【答案】 (1). How (2). much【解析】句意:史密斯太太每节驾驶课要付70美元。划线部分是“$70”可知,这里是提问价格,用how much来提问。故答案为How much。73."How did the man get to the library " The teacher asked me.(改写句子,句意不变)The teacher asked me __________ the man ____________to the library.【答案】 (1). how (2). got【解析】句意:“那人是怎么到图书馆的?”老师问我。根据句意理解及所给部分提示可知,这里是要转化成宾语从句,原句直接引语中用的是how疑问词,所以这里也用how引导,而主句的动词是asked,是过去时,所以从句的动词也要用过去时,所以应该填got,故答案为how,got。74.Teenagers who study in foreign countries may get a surprise when they have the first class.(改写句子,句意不变)Teenagers studying __________may find something _________ when they have the first class.【答案】 (1). abroad (2). surprising【解析】句意:在国外学习的青少年在上第一堂课时可能会感到惊奇。根据句意可知,空格1在现在分词后面,判断填副词;in foreign countries=abroad在国外,副词;空格2在复合不定代词后面,判断填形容词;get a surprise感到惊奇= find something surprising发现一些令人惊奇的事;故答案为abroad;surprising。75.The people in their own country are supposed to make the choice of the development pattern of the country. (改写句子,句意不变)The development pattern of the country should_________ ____________by the people in their own country.【答案】 (1). be (2). chosen【解析】句意:他们自己国家的人民应该做出国家发展模式的选择。分析句子可知横线处缺少谓语,又根据by可知国家发展模式应该是被选择,主语与谓语之间为被动语态,be chosen意为“被选择”,should后面用be动词原形,故填be chosen。十二2020年山东省济南市历下区中考一模改写句子 按括号中的要求完成句子,每个空格填一个单词.81. The students are planting trees on the hill.(改为否定句)The students planting trees on the hill.82 He bought three notebooks in the supermarket.(就画线部分提问)notebooks did he buy in the supermarket 83. "Where do you teach badminton " I asked Paul.(改写句子,句意不变)I asked Paul___he___ badminton.84. Please call us any time if there is anything we can do for you.(改写句子,句意不变)Please to call us if there is anything we can do for you.85. People in Jinan can use mobile phones to pay for their bus ride.(改写句子,句意不变)The bus ride can by people in Jinan with their mobile phones81. 【答案】are not 句意:学生们正在山上种树。学生们没有在山上种树。考查否定句。由题干可知句子时态为现在进行时,句中含有be动词are,变否定句直接在are后加not即可,故答案为are not。82. 【答案】How many 句意:他在超市买了三本笔记本。他在超市买了多少本笔记本?考查划线部分提问。根据画线部分three三个,可知是对数量提问,修饰可数名词复数notebooks笔记本,用疑问词组how many多少,且首字母要大写,故答案为How many。83. 【答案】(1). where (2). taught 句意:“你在哪里教羽毛球?”我问保罗。我问保罗他在哪里教羽毛球。考查直接引语变间接引语。根据"Where do you teach badminton " I asked Paul.可知这里直接引语是一个特殊疑问句的句子,变成宾语从句,还应该用特殊疑问词where引导,语序用陈述语序;主语是一般过去时,从句也用一般过去时,这里是把teach变成taught;故答案为(1). where (2). taught。84. 【答案】don't hesitate 句意:如果有什么需要我们帮忙的话,请随时打电话给我们。如果有什么需要我们帮忙的话,请不要犹豫打电话给我们。考查同义句转换。结合句意:如果有什么需要我们帮忙的话,请随时打电话给我们。言下之意“如果有什么需要我们帮忙的话,请不要犹豫打电话给我们”,考查词组don't hesitate to do sth毫不犹豫地做某事,故答案为don't hesitate。85. 【答案】be paid for句意:济南人可以用手机支付乘坐公共汽车的费用。乘坐公共汽车的费用由济南人用手机支付。考查被动语态。根据句意“济南人可以用手机支付乘坐公共汽车的费用”,可知,要改成被动语态,含有情态动词的被动语态构成为:情态动词+be done,pay for sth.为某物付款,pay的过去分词是paid,故答案为be paid for。十三2020年山东省济南市市中区中考二模改写句子 按括号中的要求完成句子,每个空格填一个单词。71.She is taking an exam on DingTalk. (改为一般疑问句)___________ ___________ taking an exam on DingTalk 【答案】 (1). Is (2). she【解析】本句时态是现在进行时,其构成是be+doing sth.;现在进行时的一般疑问句是把be动词提前,故此句的一般疑问句是把is提前,句号改为问号,注意:句子的开头首字母要大写。故答案为(1)Is;(2) she。72.I can hold my breath for one minute when I am swimming. (就句子画线部分提问)___________ ___________ can you hold your breath when you are swimming 【答案】 (1). How (2). long【解析】句意:我游泳时可以屏住呼吸一分钟。根据for one minute意为“为一分钟”,表示一段时间,对时间段提问用how long,又因为在句首,首字母大写,故填How long。73.“Why does Jim read the same book again and again ” Ann wondered. (改写句子,句意不变)Ann wondered ___________ Jim ___________ the same book again and again.【答案】 (1). why (2). read【解析】判断改写的句子为宾语从句,根据宾语从句“主过从必过”的原则,判断从句用一般过去时,read的过去式为不规则变化read;宾语从句要按照陈述句的语序;故答案为why;read。74.We can use either of these two computers to send e-mails. (改写句子,句意不变)We can use ___________ this computer ___________ that one to send e-mails.【答案】 (1). either (2). or【解析】句意:我们可以用这两台计算机中的任何一台来发送电子邮件。根据句意可知是表达这两台的电脑的任意一台都可以发邮件。可以用短语“either...or...”或者......或者,替换原句中的“either of”。故原句改写为We can use either this computer or that one to send e-mails.75.The singer invited her fans to sing along with every song she sang. (改写句子,句意不变)The singer’s fans ___________ ___________ to sing along with every song she sang.【答案】 (1). were (2). invited【解析】句意:这位歌手邀请她的歌迷跟着她一起唱的每首歌。根据题干要求改写句子。原句主语是“The singer”歌手,“invite sb. to do sth.”邀请某人做某事;谓语动词是invite,宾语是“her fans”。要求改写的句子,句子主语是“The singer’s fans ”歌迷,可见是将主动句改成被动句,不会改变句意。所以谓语动词变成be invited。原句子时态是一般过去式,改写的句子变成一般过去时的被动语态。因主语是复数,故填were invited。十四2020年山东省济南市市中区中考一模改写句子 按括号中的要求完成改写后的句子,每个空格填一个单词。76. Tom can play chess well. (改写为否定句)Tom ___________ play chess well.77. Linda took beautiful photos in the park. (改为一般疑问句)____________ Linda ___________ beautiful photos in the park 78. My telephone number is 82016351.(就划线部分提问)___________ ___________ telephone number 79. The teacher asked the boy, “Do you often do your homework with your classmates ”(改同义句)The teacher asked the boy ________ he often _________ his homework with his classmates80. To everybody’s surprise, Lin Shuhao plays basketball excellently in NBA games. (改写同义句)Lin Shuhao’s good performance in NBA games ____________ ____________ _____________.76. 【答案】can’t can为情态动词,带有can的肯定句转换为否定句时在can的后面加not缩写为can’t。故填can’t。77. 【答案】Did take 带有实义动词的肯定句转换为一般疑问句时要借助于助动词do的形式,一般过去时要用did。故填Did take。78. 【答案】What’s your询问电话号码时要用疑问词what。故填What’s your。79. 【答案】if did 此题重点考查一般疑问句充当宾语从句,其引导词是if,主句的谓语动词是过去时,从句也要用相应的过去时。故填if did。80. 【答案】makes everybody/everyone surprised此题重点考查句型结构make sb+adj表示让某人怎样。故填makes everybody/everyone surprised。21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)HYPERLINK "http://21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com)" 21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com)






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